Project Watan Grants Prior Confidence to the Government

Project Watan’s Executive Board held its weekly meeting, chaired by MP Neemat Frem and attended by all members, to review the significant and rapidly evolving internal, regional, and international developments. The following statement was issued afterward:


  • The Board focused primarily on the government’s ministerial statement, which is set to be discussed in Parliament next week. The attendees considered that this document presents a comprehensive program for rebuilding the state and its institutions with a reformist spirit – which aligns with Project Watan’s vision for a new Lebanon.

They also praised the provisions related to restructuring the public sector, the particular focus on judicial reform, and commended the points addressing Lebanon’s neutrality, the exclusive authority of the state in matters of war and peace, the adoption of a national security strategy, and the empowerment of legitimate armed forces.  Additionally, they welcomed all other provisions that reassured public opinion, which longs for a state built on institutions and the rule of law.

Therefore, despite noting some supplementary developmental demands and observations, Project Watan announces that it is granting prior confidence to this government, wishing it success in its mission so that, together, we may build the Lebanon of the future in service of future generations and the people of Lebanon.


  • The attendees emphasized that, despite the horrors of war and its devastating consequences, the best way to overcome its repercussions is for all parties to unite under the banner of the Lebanese state. Only through the state can we rebuild what has been destroyed. Likewise, the national army will protect the borders and prevent the recurrence of futile wars. In doing so, we will restore Charles Malik’s Lebanon to the stage of the international community and keep pace with the rapidly changing world. Ultimately, the unity of the people will allow us to remain steadfast in Lebanon, the land of message, freedom, and modernity. The foundation of this structure must therefore be a social contract built upon the people, the state, and the army.


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